Electrical Lineman Safety Equipment - Background and Purpose
As a lineworker, safety and security are factors that are always highlighted. And this is because the tasks and duties of a lineman are very risky and dangerous. In fact, with just one simple mistake, it may lead to several accidents or even fatalities. So, even on the first day of training, electrical lineman safety equipment and hazards, are already taught effectively.
Lineworkers normally handle and manage live wires. Often times, these are called energized working spaces since electricity is flowing lively. And as we all know, electricity is a very risky and dangerous thing to handle. Hence, lineworkers would always need tools, gears, and equipment that will allow them to handle them safely and effectively.
These gears and equipment are normally included in an effective Personal Protective Equipment of a lineman. And there are gears as well that are included in a lineman’s Fall Protection Equipment. Apparently, all of these gears and tools are required for a lineman to wear when working on site. In fact, these safety-related matters are largely highlighted in every training and lecture starting from the very first year in a lineman school.
Now, tools and equipment included in a lineman’s set of protective gears are actually quite different from the usual technical personal protective gears. Since they always work in an energized working space, all of their tools are required to be insulated and shock-proof.
But, there are huge pieces of equipment and machinery that are used as well which are not coated with insulation or shock-proofing. Most of the time, these machines are placed in areas on site where electricity cannot reach them. With the help of the insulated tools, these machines and equipment can remain safe.
However, when tools and gears like gloves and boots are not equipped with the proper coatings and ratings, the chance of electrical flows through these small tools going to the machines is very significant. These cases may even lead to accidents and casualties. Also, equipment and machines may be seriously damaged causing much deeper costs and expenses.
But while insulated tools and gears are helpful, they are just considered as secondary safety hazards. The primary safety practices still largely rely on the lineworkers. Hence, proper and safe applications are still needed even safety equipment and tools are present.
Normally, tools and equipment that are safe work energized spaces and areas are marked with the official international symbol. This is specifically noted with a double triangle that means “Suitable for live working.” When this mark is present on a tool or equipment, it means it can handle and work with live wires or energized tools.
In relation to the standard and international symbol of insulation, all tools that are marked with this symbol have passed several tests. They have a maximum use rating of 1000 volts and are all tested 10000 VAC. Moreover, these tools have passed several standards and have met certain requirements before supplying largely on the market.